Well basically, I just recently got my computer repaired after having it treated horribly by UPS when sending it from Oregon to California. It needed a new Motherboards, and a new Graphics Card, which it got, and at first it was all well, and I mean I can watch youtube videos, or be on facebook for Hours, and when I was playing my games at first it was all fine, but then I started blue screening. Any game I play, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, it just makes me blue screen, and I mean this thing is built for speed, it always recommends me Ultra Graphics, and for the short while WoW was working, it was running great. So after the blue screening, I look up what could be the issue, and on the WoW Website for my error (137) It told me a few things I could do to help. I did all of them but one, and that was update my driver. After hours of googling how, I finally got it I went to Control Panel< Adjust Screen Resolution< Advanced Settings< Properties< Driver< Update Driver and when I pressed the first option to search the internet for the latest version of my Driver, it told me I had the best version, so I googled my Driver online thinking that couldn't be right (AMD Radeon 6900 Series) and I looked for a new download on there, and it told me the same thing, that my driver was up to date. But it must be the driver right? I mean sometimes my computer will stop for a moment, like freeze, flash black, then come back and it'll say something along the lines of "Your driver stopped working, and recovered" What do I do? I really wanna play my games without interruption..