hi duffer
this seems to be a common problem lately and no one can seem to find out why
initially the best solution is to uninstall the usb devices that are not working and allow windows to re-recognize them after a restart
to do this you need to remove all the drivers for the devices and then go into device manager and expand the usb entry and then right click each usb entry and select "uninstall",you will be prompted wether you wish to continue the uninstall..just click yes and restart your p.c
upon restart you will see all your usb devices and ports recognized by windows,and they will all be installed again
then its a case of going through each device(digital camera,printer,external hard drive) and install each driver/software for each device
the best way to do this is install each devices software and drivers and when all the devices drivers/software are installed then plug each device in one by one
as each device is plugged in it will locate its drivers and configure itself to windows
this is better than plugging the devices in and then installing the drivers and software,as theres more chance something will go wrong that way
another option is to remove all devices and the software as shown above>then do a system restore as far back as possible>then reinstall software and drivers and then plug in the hardware...this is the same as the above method but requires a system restore
any problems let me know
good luck duffer !