Some USB ports can be USB-1.1. Other can be USB-2. You need to use the USB-2 ports.
Often, when having 6 USB-ports, there are ONLY 2 USB-2 ports. Older laptops might have only USB 1.1 ports (all slow). But generally, laptops with 6 USB ports aren't that old. So probably you have 2 USB-2 ports and 4 USB-1.1 ports.
On my computer too, there's not much useful information when i click on the USB configuration.
Somebody wrote: "High speed would be the USB 2.0 interface. These are probobly the ports that you have on your laptop as the 1.0 interface is quite outdated."
USB-1.0 is quite outdated, indeed. But USB-1.1 is not. Yes, compared with USB-2 it's very slow and outdated. But since customers can't see the difference between USB-1.1 and USB-2 ports, many manufacturers still used USB-1.1 ports many years after USB-2 was introduced (and because an USB-2 port was cheaper to integrate on the motherboard). But if your laptop is not older than 5 years, probably 2 (or indeed all 6 - but then the notice you get would not be logical) ports are USB-2, the others are USB-1.1.
Also: firewire=3200Mbit/sec. max, and USB-2 =480Mbit/sec. max (USB-1.1=12Mbit/sec.). (All design speeds - in realilty, it's slower.) But... Your external harddisk probably wouldn't get much (if any) benefit from a 3200Mbit port, since that harddisk itself can't even get closely to 480Mbit/sec, so connecting to a 3200Mbit port doesn't give any performance boost (except that it uses less CPU-cycles).
So, any remark to connect the disk to a firewire port would be rather silly. Although Windows is often rather silly: not in this case.
Somebody wrote: "The other high speed port that it could be talking about would be Firewire."
As far as i know, that's wrong. I have seen a number of PC's with a firewire port, but Windows NEVER complained on such a PC that i should/could use a faster port.
I don't think it's the case here, but there's a small chance there's a problem with the (Mainboard/USB-)drivers or the device itself or the USB-cable. For example, once i had 3 USB-cables connected to each other. That was too long. Another time, i had a malfunctional card-reader. It generated unreliable working of devices and all kind of USB-errors.