no ross,as with windows xp ,vista has a option to transfer your previous files to your new operating system
"files and settings transfer wizard" will safely transfer all your files and documents from windows xp to windows vista,however its best to make another back up on removable media such as external hard drive or dvdrw,just to be sure
on factor when upgrading from windows xp to windows vista is program compatibility,some of your programs from xp may not work properly in vista,or may require a patch to work correctly
drivers are another issue with vista,although over the last few months most of the hardware manufacturers have brought out updated drivers for their hardware and devices
some manufacturers actually have a specific transfer hardware package such as the Belkin Easy Transfer Cable for Vista(,The easiest way to upgrade from Windows XP to Vista, preserving all your essential data, settings and files! The Belkin Easy Transfer Cable for Vista takes care of the hard and complex work needed to migrate from your Windows XP system to the next-generation Vista environment. Simply install the provided software CD onto your XP-based computer. Then place this transfer cable into each USB port of both the XP and Vista PCs. The Easy Transfer Wizard will automatically appear, letting you choose which items to copy over. In just a couple of mouse-clicks, your important settings, along with photos, music, images, spreadsheets and documents will begin to be transferred over, all using high-speed USB data rates. It truly is as simple as that!
i hope this helps ross!
good luck mate!