2011-10-12 20:28:47 UTC
So I have an older model eMachines desktop that I got as a gift in 2007-2008 and it's been pretty reliable up until the last few months. Up until now I've just system restored it anytime I got a virus (I took Norton off my computer because I could no longer afford to have it identify everything on my computer as a threat that it couldn't fix). About an hour ago I'm playing on my computer when it gets super slow and unresponsive. Feeling I could fix it with a restart I just pressed the emergency shut off button at the bottom. When I turned my computer back on it gives me the very first start up screen that displays the company logo as well as press esc for Bootup Menu, F10 for something unimportant, and F11 for system recovery and then my screen will go black with a little white underscore bar like so _ that will blink forever and stay on my screen never booting up any further. If I restart my computer again the F10 and F11 commands no longer work (pressing them makes my computer give a little clicking beep). Pretty sure at the time my computer had a virus because my Internet Explorer and Firefox were both going nuts and my iTunes would no longer open.
Also the power source works, the fan in the computer is still turning, and the computer still turns on an off on command...and I tried holding the shut down button to reset the computer but no luck...
I'm not a computer guru and some of the terminology confuses me but if anyone has any ideas, I could really use help. I'm reduced to typing all this on my iPhone...
--Extremely Frustrated with EMachines