Customer Reviews
USB MIDI Cable Converter PC to Music Keyboard Window Win Vista XP, Mac OS X
15 Reviews
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Average Customer Review
3.9 out of 5 stars (15 customer reviews)
21 of 25 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars May not work with your equipment, September 14, 2008
By Greg I. Knight "lyngvi" (Seattle, WA, USA) - See all my reviews
I hate leaving reviews claiming something's "broken", but in this case there were some serious problems. So my problems:
1. The device does not handle run-on MIDI commands properly. I doubt that many modern MIDI devices use run-on commands, as they were a somewhat confusing bit-saving mechanism from the 20th century. The keyboard I used was a Kurzweil SP-88. I suspect this is a design-defect in the product. More on this below.
2. The device would not enumerate on my main PC. That box is a custom-built machine using a P5B Deluxe motherboard which has never had any problems with any other USB devices. I even tried clocking the box down to normal speeds; Vista gives me a vague error about the device malfunctioning, and Ubuntu gives me a read error during enumeration in dmesg (which, to be fair, wasn't any more useful in this context.)
3. For all the reviewers who said the cable was labeled backwards: MIDI cables are always connected so that the "OUT" of one device goes to the "IN" of another device. MIDI supports a ring-shaped daisy-chain of devices that way. This cable was not labeled backwards.
Elaborating on point 1:
On the wrong equipment, when you do this:
1. Press-and-hold key1.
2. Press-and-hold key2.
3. Release key1.
4. Release key2.
You get this:
1. Press-and-hold key1.
2. Press-and-hold key2.
3. Release key1.
4. Press-and-hold key2 again.
For those technically inclined, here's the data stream from my SP-88 using the old serial cable I was replacing (I had to resurrect a dead machine to get this; I'm forging note velocities for easier comparison):
90 40 45 3c 48 80 40 62 3c 61
Here's what this product read:
90 40 45 90 3c 48 80 40 62 90 3c 61
Here's the nearest valid sequence it could have provided:
90 40 45 90 3c 48 80 40 62 80 3c 61
Note the 80 instead of 90 in the third-to-last byte - "80" means "note off", "90" means "note on". This was a deal-killer for me; your mileage may vary.
I replaced the cable with an M-Audio cable from a local shop for 3x the price; that cable also reprocesses run-on commands, but does it appropriately (the third sequence above is what I would get.)
The seller was courteous and provided a full refund, including shipping, so all I lost to them was time. I'd buy from these guys again, just not this product.
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