This might help anyone still using XP:
My PS2 mouse quit working after a software install corrupted the drivers.
Although I have System Restore enabled, it did not work because of automatic updates added since creation of the last restore point (another good reason for not using auto update).
To recover, I used the keyboard to navigate to Control Panel --> System --> Device Manager and deleted the mouse entry.
Then, using another computer, I created the following text file, giving it a "reg" extension and copied it into the registry (again, navigating with the keyboard).
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Mice and other pointing devices"
"LocationInformationOverride"="plugged into PS/2 mouse port"
"DriverDesc"="PS/2 Compatible Mouse"
"LocationInformationOverride"="plugged into PS/2 mouse port"
"DriverDesc"="PS/2 Compatible Mouse"
"DriverDesc"="HID-compliant mouse"
"DriverDesc"="HID-compliant mouse"
"DriverDesc"="HID-compliant mouse"
After rebooting, my mouse was back to normal.
The usual caveats about messing with the registry apply.