itu sih gampang i am from indonesia
Want to know bangaimana secure the contents of the flash so as not to be read by others?
The easiest way is to use a password. So, if there is someone who input the wrong password, then what happens the computer will shutdown automatically.
Here's how to safeguard the contents of the flash with a Password:
Open the Notepad application, how can the Start-> All Programs-> Accessories-> Notepad or go to RUN type in Notepad and Enter.
Copy and paste the following script in Notepad.
on error goto 0
dim s, quest, sd, m, winpath, fs
set sd = CreateObject ("")
set fs = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder (0)
set s = wscript.createobject ("")
do while loop quest = ""
quest = InputBox ("Enter a PASSWORD, if you are wrong in entering the password, the computer will shutdown automatically.", "")
if quest = "" then
m = MsgBox ("Sorry you do not have the password ...!", 0 0 48, "")
end if
if quest = "Enter password" then "shutdown-a" winpath & "explorer.exe / e, / select," & Wscript.ScriptFullname
else "shutdown-s-t 0"
end if
Write your password in the "Write password", and be careful with case sensitivity.
Save the file by selecting the type of all files, name the "passwordfd.vbs" (without the quotes)
Once completed, to automatic settings after the flash inserted in a PC, open a new Notepad again, and copy and paste the following script:
shellexecute = wscript.exe passwordlock.vbs
action = flash was used passwords
In the script above action can be changed according to your wishes
Save the file by selecting the type of all files, give the name "autorun.inf" (without the quotes)
Then move both the autorun.inf file and passwordfd.vbs to your flash.
The final step, hide and passwordfd.vbs autorun.inf file by right clicking on each passwordfd.vbs autorun.inf and then select Properties check box on the sign hidden. Done.