im havin trouble findin a driver for my graphics card it says that i need to get a griver for it anyways i took the side panel off to see if it said anything and all i could see after i got all the dust off was that it said ATI RADEON Graphic 5by thats all that i could see on it to be able to identifi it and ive been lookin on the intranet to see if i could find a driver for it cause i aint got a disk to upload to the computer to get the driver, does anyone know of any way to find the driver and get it workin ive looked up the name on google and i clicked on the AMD web page link and searched on there and still couldnt find nothin anyways my computer is a windows xp home edition SP3 could someone help me out please i found out how to do the dxdiag thing on run i did that but it didnt help.