kona nick
2009-08-04 16:30:18 UTC
I find that I or the assigned user are unable to delete SOME of the files in a share where we apparently have full access.
Some files can be deleted, some can not, the resulting error message on files / folders that fail to delete is always
"Cannot Delete filename: Access is denied. make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use"
**Goes the same for renaming files, attempting to change owner of files etc.
I have tried to delete the stubborn files while logged in at the same machine as they originated, using the same login as they were backed up under. - no go.
I have tried to delete the files from my own machine logged in as myself (domainadmin), but no avail, even though I have "full access" of the Share, as set in the Sharespace software.
In the Sharespace I have created folders, using the following method:
login - go Advanced Mode - Folder Shares - Storage - Add, (provide Sharename, select CIFS, check the "setup access control after creating Share" - Submit - Then select the assigned users.. (There is a list of users that Sharespace pulls from the DC.)
...from the "unassigned users pane, to the Full Access pane, then Submit.
So I usually provide each share "full access" to 2 people, 1 for myself, as I am domain admin, and a single other user to allow them to store or backup data from their PC.
If I look in Advanced Mode - Folder Shares 'sharename' I see CIFS enabled.
If I look in Advanced Mode - Users - "sharename' -Modify, I can see that I and my assigned user have Full Access.
I use the folders to backup user data, some are straight file copies, some are made using NTBackup, some are images of partitions made with AcronisTrueImage.
Running out of space, need help, can't believe how un-integrated with Active Directory this device is.