Try Updating you Drivers for the USB drive or try unistalling.
Unplug all devices.
Right click on My Computer, then Properties, then Hardware Tab. Select the Device Manager. Scroll down and expand the USB tree, go down to all the USB Root Hubs, and right click and select Update Driver. If this doesn't work. Then right Click on the USB Root Hubs, and Unistall them. Restart the computer, and the USB Root Hubs will automatically reinstall their drivers.
If it is a controller problem then.
1. Click the Hardware tab.
2. Click the Device Manager button.
3. Expand Universal Serial Bus controllers.
4. Right-click every device under the Universal Serial Bus controllers node, and then click Uninstall to remove them one at a time.
5. Restart the computer, and then reinstall the USB controllers.
6. Plug in the removable USB storage device, and then test to make sure that the issue is resolved.
If you need anymore help contact me
Have a nice day